Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Reason For Not Posting

I know it's been a long time since I posted, and this is the reason why...I've been playing a game called "Little Big Planet" and for those of you who have a PS3, I really, really, really suggest you get this game if you don't have it all ready. And if you don't own a PS3 and have about $500 stashed away somewhere, go buy one, and make sure you buy this game. You will NOT be sorry.

That's not actually the only reason I've been MIA. I've also been watching my neighbor's girls while they are off track. I won't be posting much between now and December 5th. Sorry to disappoint you.


Brittany Marie said...

I don't have a PS3, I'm not loaded! I have a PS2.

You need to prioritize more- Blogging comes first. You can do it at 3am if you just get dedicated.

Marie Lundeen said...

Guess I'm just not dedicated enough...But I'll try harder just for you!